Thursday 2 December 2010


I decided that it would be best to colour the poses for the first stage of the ICA. First I tested it out on the not requested poses I did for first character design drawing.

And then I applied it to the four poses I chose for the ICA. Above is the final piece I will be handing in on the 6th of December.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Character Model Sheet

To make sure that everything remains on module when animating, I drew up a model sheet for the character. I'll be including this and the picture references with the poses for the first half of the ICA. While description was not very specific for those doing 2D animation, I felt that adding these extras will help my grade.

Monday 29 November 2010

Cleaned Up & Inked

The Final inked piece of the character poses. This is what I will be handing in for the first part of the ICA.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Character Design & Poses

Here is the final character design that I will be animating to the supplied audio clip. Next to him are five of the six requested poses from the ICA. Drawings in order from left to right starting at the top:

'Waiting for the train'
'Dancing to impress'
'Full bladder!'
'I think it's dead'
'What's under there?'

All Expressions are based on the following series of refference pictures I took of myself with a webcam

In the next few days I will go on to ink them using a digital 2D program, and incorporate them into a narrative before the deadline on the 6th of December

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Rough Character Poses

These are the rough character poses I have done for the first part of the ICA. Because I have not yet decided on a character design, I have done it with stick figures.

All body poses were based on the following set of pictures that I took of myself for reference.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Line Test

Here is the line test, all the animation done in rough with a stick man. I will go over in greater detail later. I also feel that the laughing animation could be a little more expressive and will tinkers with further.

Character Designs

After picking the stage 2 sound file "The Sicilian", I spent the last few days drawing out a variety of possible different characters in different style. Based on the sound clip I started out by going with a mad scientist sort of character.

After a while I thought it might be more interesting to go a different way, and have the crazy voice coming out of a cuddly cute animal.

Also I tried it with a nerdy kind of character aswell. There will probably be more to come in the coming weeks as I home in my design choice.


My name is Mike Lawrence, 3rd year student studying Computer Animation at Teesside University, and this is my blog I will be using to keep a diary of updates and progress for my Creative Character Animation module.